It snowed this morning. My 4-year-old daughter met a classmate on the way into preschool this morning. She stopped her and said, "It snowed! Isn't it exciting? And Christmas is almost here!" This is an exact quote. Before having children I assumed that their excitement about Christmas was caused mostly by the gifts under the tree. This was a cynical and inaccurate view. These children are in a Christian preschool and being raised (imperfectly, of course) by Christian parents. These 4-year-olds don't have any conditions on their excitement. The gifts, candy, songs, lights, trees, and the birth of Jesus Christ all merge into one delicious helping of anticipation. They sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. Naturally there would be cake and a party. It makes perfect sense to them. Angels and children get it.
Not me sometimes. I've got a list of things I have to get done for and before Christmas. The pressure's on. The clock is ticking. More money is spent than I planned. Family plans are subject to change. Who will be where when? How will we get it all done? In the back of my mind is the relieving thought that this will all soon be over. The craziness of Christmas will subside. Christian preschoolers, however, know a better way.
PRAYER: OK Lord, I need to learn from my preschooler here. Her excitement is what you're looking for from me. Help me enjoy this. Help me drop the unnecessary burdens I assume around Advent and Christmas. Help me relax and sing. Your birth is as big as deal as she thinks it is. Help me with my thinking and thank you for being born a baby (who became a preschooler) Yourself. It is more than exciting. It changes everything. Amen.
TOMORROW: Advent and Tube Socks
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