Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Advent and War

Many people speak of Jesus as the cure for war. He doesn't. Even at His birth there was conflict. Lives of boys two and under were lost soon afterwards directly because of it. In the end, Jesus Himself would pay with His own life for His words and actions; they were too threatening to those in power who encountered Him.

I remember when I first joined the military and went to Officer Training School in Montgomery, Alabama. One of the first lectures I sat through explained that all military action, all war in other words, is about political power. The US military is an instrument of US political policy. Once learning this, the story of Christ's life took on new meaning for me. The expectations for Him as Messiah were political expectations.  He was born to usurp all existing authority. He was killed to prevent this, but His death actually facilitated it.

War comes in many forms. Some I know are far away from their homes this Christmas due to one kind of war. Others I know are losing their homes as they lose another kind of war. In all wars, Jesus is our Savior and Advocate. He was born to win the war for believers' souls. He was born to rule and defeat all pretenders to His throne.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me the reality of war and how you overcome it. You were not born into peace or to bring the kind of peace nations sing about. You were born to fight by laying Your own life down and to win a peace that transcends this world and its wars. Thank You.

TOMORROW: Advent and Caroling

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